President and Chief Executive Officer of the Los Angeles Urban League
Cynthia Mitchell-Heard
Chief Operating Officer
David P. Anderson
Lillian Wilson, President
Peggy May, 1st Vice President
Allie Smith, 2nd Vice President
Alberta Moore, Treasurer
Kym Hall, Recording Secretary
Chelsea Griffith, Financial Secretary
Mary Lester, Corresponding Secretary
Brenda Pollard, Parliamentarian
Darlene Hunt, Sergeant-at-Arms
Mary J. Roberts, Member-at-Large
Zina Love, Member-at-Large
National Council of Urban League Guilds
Western Regional Director
Carmela Smith
National Urban League Guild President
Angela R. Simmons-Smith, Philadelphia, PA
The LAULG is an auxiliary of the Los Angeles Urban League (LAUL) and shall operate in the same geographical area as the affiliate. It is a volunteer area of the League.
The Los Angeles Urban League Guild (Guild/LAULG) was formed in 1952 with 10 founding ladies. It included women with experience and knowledge of business, health and welfare, education and social-civic organizations. Florence Vaughn served as the Guild’s first president. It is a member of the National Council of Urban League Guilds.
The Los Angeles Urban League Guild serves to stimulate, develop and promote volunteer’s participation and leadership and to assist in the implementation of the League programs. The Guild shall promote activities to lend financial support to the League and to promote community service to support the League programs.
Members of the Guild still include experienced and knowledgeable women and men in business, health and welfare, education and social-civic organizations.

The Guild's Beginning
Mollie Moon (July 21, 1912 – June 22, 1990) was the founder and president of the National Urban League Guild, the fundraising branch of the NationalUrban League. She served as president of the Guild for almost 50 years, from its founding until her death.
Moon served as secretary to the Board of Trustees of the National Urban League. She founded the National Urban League Guild in order to raise funds in support of the League's racial equality programs. Lester B. Granger, then director of the Urban League, challenged Moon personally to help the league become 'financially stable.'
At first an informal group, it eventually developed bylaws and held elections, with Moon serving as president until her death 1990. The Guild's most well-known fundraising event was its annual Beaux-Arts Ball, a charity gala with a different theme each year.
Through her efforts with the Urban League Guild and the Urban League, Mollie Moon worked to improve race relations in New York City and in the United States at large. Moon was an innovative fundraiser whose creative ideas and projects helped to support the Urban League and to raise public awareness about its programs.
Our Mission
The Los Angeles Urban League Guild works to advocate, develop and promote volunteer’s participation and leadership.